Wednesday, February 07, 2024

A Doggie Adventure with Deabora - Day 2

Mom went and left me with them again. 

He took me outside. I got to poop at the end of the neighbor's driveway.  He didn't pick it up.

She tried to dress me. It was torture. She thought she could corner me, but I am faster than that.  After she got her morning jog in chasing me, I finally let her.  It is sub-zero in here.  She put a hoodie on me.  Then laughed and laughed.  She had the stupid hat over my face.  I wasn't going anywhere.  She won’t take it off.  I am walking funny.  I am even doing the “Shake It off” dance.   

It’s time to go back to bed.  These people don’t know what time to get up.  Don’t get me started on how long it took me to get them to go to bed last night.